Preparing Your Kitchen - Cleaning Your Pantry, Fridge & Freezer
Welcome to Key #2 of Getting Your Kitchen Prepped and Becoming The Prepared Mama
Today's Key is one of the most important things that you can do. The problem is it is never complete and it is something that should be done on a regular basis. Today is going to be a really productive day and after you have completed everything, I am asking you to do - You are going to feel Amazing!
I can’t really expect you to go to the store and purchase groceries for food prep next week and then you have no place in your house to put these items. That would be a disservice of me, and I would be setting you up for failure before you even begin.
Do you want to see what my pantry, fridge and freezer look like? Watch the video above.
Doesn’t it sound nice to have an organized Pantry, Fridge and Freezer?
I have attached inventory lists for your pantry, fridge, spices and freezer. Go ahead and print or fill those out. Click on the PDF or Editable button below.
Pull everything out, wash down the shelves. Replace items that you are going to use. Discard old items or things that you are not going to ever eat. I go with motto, "When in doubt, throw it out!".
Pull everything out of your fridge, even out of the side shelves. Wipe everything down. Only place items back in your fridge that are safe to eat and that you will eat.
Pull everything out of your freezer. Discard ruined food. Wipe everything down. As you are putting food back in your freezer be conscious of dates and categorize your freezer into different sections of foods (ie: vegetables, meats, etc).
Inventory your spices. Organize and make notes of spices you are low on. Discard spices that are expired or unknown.
Take before and after photos of your Pantry, Fridge or Freezer and then post on our Facebook Group
Until Tomorrow,
Mama Bear Kristy