My family LOVES Breakfast For Dinner. This recipe is fun to make and I haven't found anyone that hasn't loved it. The key with this is you have to have refrigerated hashbrowns- not frozen. You can go with just plain refrigerated hashbrowns or you can use seasoned for the extra little bit of flavor. As far as meat goes- a little bit really does go a long way and you can use any type of breakfast meat you prefer- bacon, ham, sausage- it is all delicious. I would not recommend using a Belgium Waffle Iron. I tried for years and it always resulted in me having to put my plate on top of the cooked waffle I couldn't get out, and then flipping the waflle maker over- so gravity was working with me (instead of against me). Finally one day I purchased a regular waffle iron and since I am able to just get the waffle to come out easily. Even with the hassle of flipping the Belgium waffle maker over, I still made this because it is that yummy!